Monday, December 15, 2008

The Warrior's Cross

Some of you are familiar with Gabe Suarez, who is an internationally recognized teacher & trainer in the field of armed & unarmed close combat. He also professes faith in Christ.

I became aware of this article by Suarez over at a relatively new blog, The Sword of Christ. Here are the first few paragraphs of the article:

As Christians we spend a great deal of time in study about the teachings of our Lord in reference to "Picking Up Your Cross." Often, the presumption in Bible commentaries is that a "cross" is some sort of an unpleasant or painful test or burden for a Christian. As Christians...particularly Christian Warriors, we need to look beyond this meaning of the cross to its meaning as a calling or mission to us today. Think of it as a test or a challenge from the Lord.

The cross was certainly intended as the most horrific of punishments by the Romans. It must have truly been a truly ugly way to die. Nevertheless, the cross was Our Lord's mission. He went willing to the cross to set us free from our well-deserved penalty. Thus the cross, among other things, was Jesus Christ's mission on earth. To us, to pick up our cross signifies an example...accepting our mission, or our calling.

There are many missions in the church body. Some Christians are called to be teachers. Others are called to be pastors, prophets or evangelists. Some of us are also called to be warriors. That is the cross that God has put in front of us.

Think of yourself standing just outside of a shopping mall or a school when the shots from an active shooter ring out. As a warrior, God has put a challenge in front of you. “Run and save yourself”, says the enemy. What would Christ do? He would advance boldly to the sound of the guns and taske out the minion of evil sent to kill the innocents. Are you up to the task? Are you strong enough to pick up THAT cross? Are you strong enough with the help of the Lord God of Hosts?

In conversations with a brother - who is also a Pastor, he told me that in a recent conference they were asked what their "cross" was. He said his particular cross was to die protecting his flock - if he had to, to kill an evil man who would come to harm his flock - if he must, and to be an example to his flock at such times. Needless to say, and sadly, many in attendance had no idea how to take that.

You can read the rest of the article over at Suarez's Warriortalk Forum.

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